Monday, April 25, 2016

Huge power outage in Berkeley, Albany, El Cerrito, Richmond

   The power is out in Berkeley, Albany, El Cerrito and north to San Pablo, according to a PG&E power          outage map.

More than 5,860 people in Berkeley and cities north are without power and PG&E says it won’t be restored until 12:45 p.m.

The power went out across a broad swath of Berkeley at around 9:30 a.m. Monday. At least one block in downtown Berkeley lost power, including the WeWork building at 2120 University (at Shattuck) where Berkeleyside has its HQ.
  The power appears to be out across a broad swath of Berkeley, according to this outage map provided by   PG&E.

Readers reported via Twitter that power was out north of Sacramento and Rose streets; in the Halycon neighborhood of south Berkeley; near Piedmont and Channing; Telegraph and Russell; and University Avenue between Shattuck and Milvia, among other spots. Power appears to be out in parts of Albany and El Cerrito, too.
     Traffic lights are out on College and Ashby. Photo: Lance Knobel

Berkeley Police put out a Nixle alert reminding drivers to be careful while going through intersections as numerous stoplights are out.”When driving, intersections with complete power outages should be considered the same as a four-way stop sign,” BPD wrote. “Please stop and proceed with caution.”

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